In R, various geospatial packages exist for visualizing and manipulating spatial data:
Visualizing vector data, raster data, or both overlaid can be accomplished in various ways. This resource provides example code and explanations for which packages are recommended to get the most out of your visualizations.
Which mapping package should I use?
Are you already familiar with ggplot for plotting, and you’re interested in a static visualization?
Are you interested in highly tailorable map features and options to create either static or interactive visualizations?
Are you interested in mapping raster data quickly with less code and less flexibility?
Are you interested creating interactive maps quickly with high flexibility?
Are you interested in exploring spatial objects of any sort interactively?
Vector Data: Points
sf, tmap and ggplot2 are great options for visualizing vector data, which is tabular data such as points, lines, and polygons.
Examples of vector file formats:
shapefile (.shp and auxillary files .shx, .dbf, .prj, etc.)
# read in a list of items containing polar bear data, including metadatapb_data <-occ_search(scientificName ="Ursus maritimus", limit =300)# subset the imported data to just the relevant dataframe and attributespb_obs <- pb_data$data %>%select(decimalLongitude, decimalLatitude, year, country) %>%mutate(year =as.factor(year)) # year = categorical# remove rows with NA in any colpb_obs <-na.omit(pb_obs)
Spatial data will not always already contain critical spatial metadata, so you may have to manually assign it using spatial operations before plotting. For example, point data may contain latitude and longitude coordinates into separate columns and may not come with a set coordinate reference system (CRS). sf can help create a geometry column from separate latitude and longitude columns and set the CRS to WGS84, EPSG:4326.
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# convert separate longitude and latitude columns into # cohesive point geometries, and set the CRSpb_spatial <- pb_obs %>% sf::st_as_sf(coords =c("decimalLongitude", "decimalLatitude"),crs =st_crs(4326)) %>%filter(st_is_valid(.))
Base R plot: points
Start with the basics: plot the point data using the native R function plot(), which does not include an interactive feature and is not highly tailorable.
That static plot is pretty bland, and it has little context without a palette or a basemap.
Interactive Maps
Make an interactive map with the color of the points representing the year of the observation on a basemap. This can be done with either mapview or leaflet.
sf and ggplot can be used in conjunction to plot the polar bear observations statically on a basemap. The default x and y gridlines are cohesive with latitude/longitude point data.
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world <- rnaturalearth::ne_countries(scale ="medium", returnclass ="sf") ggplot(data = world) +geom_sf() +geom_sf(data = pb_spatial, aes(fill = year), # point color based on 'year'color ="black", # point edges blackshape =21,size =2, alpha =0.7) +# transparencylabs(title ="Polar Bear Observations",x ="Longitude",y ="Latitude",fill ="Year") +# limit map to polar bear habitat latitudescoord_sf(xlim =c(-180, 180), ylim =c(45, 90), expand =FALSE) +theme_minimal() +theme(legend.position ="right")
ggplot can make more complex maps, too:
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ggplot() +geom_sf(data = world, fill ="palegreen", color ="darkgreen") +# Gray land with dark bordersgeom_sf(data = pb_spatial, aes(fill = year),color ="black",shape =21, size =2, alpha =0.7) +# limit the map to polar bear habitat latitudes & add more gridlinescoord_sf(xlim =c(-180, 180),ylim =c(45, 90),expand =FALSE) +scale_x_continuous(breaks =seq(-180, 180, by =10)) +scale_y_continuous(breaks =seq(45, 90, by =10)) +labs(title ="Polar Bear Observations",subtitle ="CRS EPSG:4326",x ="Longitude",y ="Latitude",fill ="Year") +theme(panel.background =element_rect(fill ="lightblue"), # blue oceanplot.title =element_text(hjust =0.5), # center the titleplot.subtitle =element_text(hjust =0.5),legend.position ="right", =element_rect(color ="black", size =0.5))
Warning: The `size` argument of `element_rect()` is deprecated as of ggplot2 3.4.0.
ℹ Please use the `linewidth` argument instead.
tmap: points on basemaps - static or interactive maps
tmap is specifically designed for mapping spatial data with many highly tailorable options, making it more customizable than ggplot. It recognizes spatial objects from sf, terra, and other geospatial packages. tmap can make both static and interactive maps, as it builds on ggplot and leaflet. More detailed basemaps, like those availble from leaflet and ESRI, are only an option in interactive mode for tmap. For large-scale static data, you can load in a simple world map to use as a basemap.
tmap allows for fine control over the locations of the title and legend. You can choose inside or outside the map, with values between 0-1 specified for the x and y position.
Make a static tmap:
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# clarify the default mode is static plottmap_mode("plot")
Polygon data is composed of multiple points connected by lines to create closed shapes. Since there are many polar bears in Canada and Greenland, plot the polar bear observations on top of only Canada and Greenland polygons using both tmap and ggplot.
# static map setting, this is the default, but# needs to be reset if previously set to "interactive"tmap_mode("plot")
tmap mode set to plotting
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tm_shape(canada_greenland) +tm_fill(col ="admin", palette = blue_palette, title ="Country") +tm_borders(col ="black") +tm_shape(pb_canada_greenland) +tm_dots(col ="red", size =0.1) +tm_grid(lines =TRUE,col ="gray",labels.inside.frame =TRUE,n.x =10, n.y =10, # number of gridlines on x and y axesalpha =0.5) +tm_layout(title ="Canada and Greenland\nPolar Bear Observations",title.size =1,legend.title.size =0.9,title.fontface ="bold",legend.text.size =0.8,title.position =c(0.66, 0.31)) +tm_xlab("Longitude") +tm_ylab("Latitude")
Base R plot: polygon
Add a polygon for polar bear habitat range from the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List. This means we have 3 vector objects overlaid: polygons for country borders, points for polar bear observations, and 1 polygon for habitat.
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# search for file anywhere within "course-materials" dirhab_filename ="data_0.shp"hab_fp <-list.files(path =here("course-materials"),pattern = hab_filename,recursive =TRUE,full.names =TRUE)pb_habitat =st_read(hab_fp)# convert from a "simple feature collection" with # 15 fields to just the geometrypb_habitat_poly <-st_geometry(pb_habitat)
This data has a default palette; each cell is color-coded in shades of blue to white, where dark blue is 0% ice (open ocean) and white is 100% ice. You can view the default palette (“color table”) with terra::coltab
The CRS is projected and in units of meters, with each raster cell representing 25 km x 25 km. See CRS metadata here.
Make a histogram of the raster values using the base R hist to understand the numerical data distribution:
In order to properly plot multiple spatial objects on top of one another, they must have the same CRS. Transform the CRS of the habitat polygon into the CRS of the raster for Arctic sea ice, then plot the habitat polygon onto the raster.
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pb_habitat_arctic <-st_transform(pb_habitat_poly, st_crs(arctic_ice))terra::plot(arctic_ice,main ="Sea Ice Concentration and Polar Bear Habitat")terra::plot(pb_habitat_arctic, add =TRUE, border ="darkgoldenrod1", col =adjustcolor("yellow", alpha.f =0.2))
terra automatically defines the x and y axes ticks based on the spatial metadata of the raster.
ggplot: rasters and polygons
Scale the data values between 0-100 and convert the array into a dataframe, because ggplot only accepts tabular data. Assign a new palette using RColorBrewer that is similar to the color table associated with the terra plot above.
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# reverse color palette to better match the default terra::plot palette valuesblue_palette <-rev(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n =9, name ="Blues"))# scale the data 0-100:# there are no NA values in this raster but na.rm = TRUE is good practicerange <-range(values(arctic_ice), na.rm =TRUE)arctic_ice_scaled <- (arctic_ice-range[1]) / (range[2]-range[1]) *100arctic_ice_df <-,cells =FALSE, # do not create index colxy =TRUE) %>%# include lat and long cols dplyr::rename(ice_concentration = N_197812_concentration_v3.0)ggplot() +geom_raster(data = arctic_ice_df,aes(x = x, y = y,fill = ice_concentration)) +scale_fill_gradientn(colors = blue_palette) +geom_sf(data = pb_habitat_arctic,fill ="yellow",color ="darkgoldenrod1",size =0.2,alpha =0.1) +coord_sf(default_crs =st_crs(pb_habitat_arctic)) +theme(panel.grid =element_blank(),axis.text =element_blank(),axis.ticks =element_blank(),panel.background =element_rect(fill ="grey", color =NA),plot.background =element_rect(fill ="grey", color =NA)) +labs(title ="Sea Ice Concentration\nand Polar Bear Habitat Range",subtitle ="Proj CRS: NSIDC Sea Ice Polar Stereographic North",fill ="Sea Ice\nConcentration",x =element_blank(),y =element_blank())
Note that ggplot does not automatically derive the units of meters from the projected CRS from the spatial metadata. Instead, it uses 4326 by default. As a result, we mask the axes ticks. Axes ticks can manually be defined with scale_x_continuous and scale_y_continuous (01 September 2024) GBIF Occurrence Download
IUCN Red List, polar bear range polygon
IUCN. 2024. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2024-1. Accessed on Septmeber 5, 2024.
NSIDC, sea ice concentration raster
Fetterer, F., Knowles, K., Meier, W. N., Savoie, M. & Windnagel, A. K. (2017). Sea Ice Index. (G02135, Version 3). [Data Set]. Boulder, Colorado USA. National Snow and Ice Data Center. [describe subset used if applicable]. Date Accessed 09-13-2024.