Create a Map of Easter Island with tmap
# import all data files for Easter Island (3 vectors, 1 raster)
<- sf::read_sf(here::here("data", "easter_island", "ei_points.gpkg"))
ei_points <- subset(ei_points, type == "volcano")
volcanoes <- stars::read_stars(here::here("data", "easter_island", "ei_elev.tif"))
ei_elev <- sf::read_sf(here::here("data", "easter_island", "ei_border.gpkg"))
ei_borders <- sf::read_sf(here::here("data", "easter_island", "ei_roads.gpkg")) ei_roads
# first plot the elevation raster
tm_shape(ei_elev) +
tm_raster(style = "cont", # continuous values for this layer
palette = "-RdYlGn", # reversed red-yellow-green continuous palette
title = "Elevation (m asl)") + # legend title with units
# add vector: Easter Island vector in default gray
tm_shape(ei_borders) +
tm_borders() +
# add vector: road lines in default black
tm_shape(ei_roads) +
tm_lines(lwd = "strokelwd", # line width depends on attribute value = FALSE) +
# add vector: volcano points in default gray
tm_shape(volcanoes) +
tm_symbols(shape = 24, # triangle
size = "elevation", # symbol size depends on attribute value
title.size = "Volcanoes (m asl)") + # legend title with units
# general map layout options
tm_layout(main.title = "Easter Island",
bg.color = "lightblue") + # background color for map (ocean)
tm_scale_bar(position = c("left", "bottom")) +
tm_compass(show.labels = 1) # only show North label on compass
Create an Interactive Map of Easter Island with tmap
# same code as static map above
<- tm_shape(ei_elev) +
ei_map tm_raster(style = "cont",
palette = "-RdYlGn",
title = "Elevation (m asl)") +
tm_shape(ei_borders) +
tm_borders() +
tm_shape(ei_roads) +
tm_lines(lwd = "strokelwd", = FALSE) +
tm_shape(volcanoes) +
tm_symbols(shape = 24,
size = "elevation",
title.size = "Volcanoes (m asl)") +
tm_layout(main.title = "Easter Island",
bg.color = "lightblue") +
tm_scale_bar(position = c("left", "bottom")) +
tm_compass(show.labels = 1)
# convert default static map to interactive map
Create a Map of Easter Island with ggplot2
# extract lat & long from geom column
<- volcanoes %>%
volcanoes_point mutate(lon = unlist(map(volcanoes$geom,1)), # longitude = first component (x)
lat = unlist(map(volcanoes$geom,2))) # latitude = second component (y)
ggplot() +
# first add Easter Isand borders
geom_sf(data = ei_borders, color = "#212529") +
# add elevation raster
geom_stars(data = ei_elev) +
scale_fill_distiller(name = "Elevation (m asl)", # legend title with units
palette = "RdYlGn", # red-yellow-green palette (no need to reverse)
na.value = "lightblue") + # set NA color (background ocean)
# add road vector
geom_sf(data = ei_roads, color = "#343a40") +
# add volcano vector
geom_point(data = volcanoes_point,
aes(x = lon, y = lat,
size = elevation), # point size depends on attribute value
shape = 17, # triangle
color = "#22577a") +
scale_size_continuous(name = "Volcanoes (m asl)") + # legend title with units
::annotation_north_arrow(location = "br", # bottom right
ggspatialwhich_north = "true") + # point to north pole
::annotation_scale(location = "bl", # bottom left
ggspatialwidth_hint = 0.5) + # proportion of map area the scalebar should occupy
labs(title = "Easter Island") +